Department of Epidemiology


Research activities have concerned clinical evaluation of the new vaccines like herpes zoster vaccines, pneumoccocal vaccines, Human Papiloma Virus vaccines, rotavirus vaccines, new adjuvanted vaccines against viral hepatitis B, Lyme disease vaccines, combined hepatitis B and typhoid fever vaccines, flu vaccines, meningoccoccal B vaccines or new vaccination schedules.

Members of the department are members of different Czech journals editorial boards (e. g. „Epidemiologie, mikrobiologie a imunologie“ – prof. Splino, Military Medical Science Letters and Vakcinace – prof. Chlibek), and they work as reviewers of international journals (Vaccine, Lancet Infectious Disease). Some of them work in a number of committees and boards: Vice-chairman of Czech Immunization Committee of the Ministry of Health (Prof. Chlibek), or European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (Prof. Chlibek), or Central European Vaccination Awareness Group-CEVAG (Prof. Prymula, Prof. Chlibek). Prof. Splino and Ass. Prof. Bostikova had oportunity to serve as members for Advisory Board for the Investigation and Control of Influenuza and Other Epidemic Disease and Section for Control and Development of Diagnostics Laboratory Methods of CDC.

Members of the department are also members of NATO working groups and advisory committees for biological threats and weapons (BIOMEDAC – Biological Medical Advisory Committee – Prof. Chlibek) and NATO-Research&Technology Organisation (Prof. Chlibek).

Disinfection, disinsection and rodent control are very important parts of the medical practice in the Czech Army. This department is the only one of its kind in the Czech Army for the assessment of the antimicrobial efficacy of disinfectants or new antimicrobial agents.